Sunday, March 29, 2015

"Hi, I'm Carrie Neal - two first names."

I was given a challenge recently. I love words and writing them and all of that, but it's a bit disconcerting when you're asked to describe yourself in just a few paragraphs. How not to sound too aggrandizing (I have no flaws!), too modest (Aw, shucks, I'm just an average girl!), or, especially for me, too wordy (I need just one more adjective here!)? "Give me a brief description of yourself" is the flip side of writing your autobiography.

I thought about it, and focused decisively on what I was actually asked to do: write about me. Not my resume highlights, not my foibles, not my victories or also-rans. Me. As I wrote, revised, and mulled over this assignment, I realized: this missive was about self-awareness. A form of self-love, actually, meant to explain me, Carrie Neal, the person. Kind of daunting, but kind of fun, too - free of focusing, or hiding on, facts and figures. Of course, specifics have to enter it; what I like, who is important to me, how I participate in the world. I tried to do that in a manner that stuck to the basic idea of who Carrie Neal is, not the what.

I'm pretty pleased with the end result, and I tried to be honest (of course, like the Leo I am, it's possible there's a dash of proudness). I have to submit it now, but I look forward to reviewing it later to see what I still think about it. Ultimately, I'd like to think self-love means the ability to view yourself for what you are in totality, as best as possible. That way, you can be as honest with yourself as anyone can be through the most intimate telescope and go from there. Read on, and see what you think.


"Hi, I'm Carrie Neal - two first names."  I think in words, in both italics and capitals. It's probably a main reason I let people know directly that I prefer a double name. My first lesson in diplomacy was how to smoothly convey this, with eye contact, a firm handshake, and a smile; self-possession has never been a problem.

Bright, diligent, and charming would be three words to describe me. Challenging, pedantic, and direct could be three others. I like planning, strategy and checking things off lists; I like that I can supplement this with creativity and a penchant for considering what's beyond the ABC's. Snail mail still helps my communicative side. I was the dark horse for the sibling humor award but it turned out that my easy ability to talk to anyone includes a pretty good wit. I love to learn and travel; I've been fortunate to live a number of places abroad and my to-do-before-I-die list includes plans to do so again. My brother would tell you I can be too sensitive; my friends would tell you I am generous, and a fountain of information on everything from the best steak places to the proper spelling of English Major Words; my parents would tell you I'm worth it.  

I've had at least nines lives across things personal and professional, and I imagine there will be nine more. As my Godmother would agree, "that pretty well sums up what you like to call 'Carrie Neal Land,' sweetheart." I think it's a pretty unique place and feel fortunate to try to figure out just what it entails.


There you go. The book jacket version 2015 is written. On to the unabridged version.

Love Bites
Carrie Neal