Monday, March 25, 2013

Gone Fishin'

So, last night was a joint labor of love - using leftovers from the Mexican fajita lunch The Boy and I had Saturday and adding my own ingredients, I made dinner for both me and Dad when he got home from golf.

See, J doesn't usually take leftovers home and if I do, I usually don't eat them (though we eat out all the time - not to sound too wasteful, we're really pretty good about ordering and sharing so as not to have leftovers; however, when I don't feel well, he ends up eating what he wants and stuff is leftover . . .as happened Saturday). 

I spent the day at home and had some tilapia I wanted to cook. Hmm, I thought - what to do?? Fish tacos! I had cheese and fresh tortillas, and leftover (and awesome) veggies and a little steak from our previous day's meal (which I added to Dad's version), so I prepared what I thought - and Dad thought, when he was pleasantly surprised upon returning home from golf - was quite a tasty repast . . . 

Pan-seared tilapia - I have various recipes but just did an egg/panko crust seasoned with s&p and garlic powder this time . . . message me if you love tilapia too and need ideas!
After making the fish, I heated some large soft tortillas - 

And juiced up the leftover veggies with some fresh ones, and made some new rice - 
Portabellas, red pepper, zucchini, squash - so good!
And voila, homemade fish tacos. Thanks to The Boy, time on my hands and wanting to make something nice for my dad, a lovely dinner was had. Resourceful, that's me! Happy tummies, that's we!

Creativity rocks, in the kitchen and everywhere else.

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Crescent Love

Last night, my dad had an event to go to and, as I'd promised, I was home early - really early, like 6pm vs, say, midnight - and had the house to myself. 

See, I'm still bunking at my parents' place and am trying to be tidy and well-behaved (for my mom and dad's benefits, respectively). It's been a little rough but I think it's going much better. My room looks pristine and the laundry is (mostly) done, etc . . .

So after Luke and I enjoyed "Pretty Woman" and before my dad was home, I decided to make him a treat. A small little act of love - I thought he might enjoy these delicious ham and asparagus crescent rolls, as a change from his usual breakfast or lunch of things like hard-boiled eggs and the like - 

So good and so easy! Steam asparagus, wrap with ham, spread Dijon on rolls and bake at 375 for 11-13 minutes. Yum!

A little gesture of food and family love. Hope he likes them! Happy Sunday, all!

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

Monday, March 18, 2013

A bushel and a peck - a biscuit and . . .

Well, y'all . . . 

Staying at my parents is interesting to say the least - my mom and I have different ideas of "good housekeeping" - but I try my best in their place since they are kind and generous enough to let me bunk here post The Great Tree Debacle.

And The Boy is out of town - only briefly - but it interrupts our usual rhythm of meals and seeing each other daily, so I found myself compelled to make biscuits this morning - one of his favorite "food products," as he refers to them - 

I made biscuits in his honor - of course, I then added cheese and bacon!!
Adding the cheese and bacon made it perfect - I even ate mine with a knife and fork as he does  "sandwiches" - and only set off the smoke alarm briefly (good thing Dad is up early when I called him pre-7am to figure out how to turn it off!!). 
Gosh, so much about love, life and happiness revolve around food - I miss my boy, I need assistance with utilities, so to speak, I think of people I love and what I can provide for them, sustenance-wise - hmmm . . . food for thought!
Happy Monday, y'all!!

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal