See, J doesn't usually take leftovers home and if I do, I usually don't eat them (though we eat out all the time - not to sound too wasteful, we're really pretty good about ordering and sharing so as not to have leftovers; however, when I don't feel well, he ends up eating what he wants and stuff is leftover . . .as happened Saturday).
I spent the day at home and had some tilapia I wanted to cook. Hmm, I thought - what to do?? Fish tacos! I had cheese and fresh tortillas, and leftover (and awesome) veggies and a little steak from our previous day's meal (which I added to Dad's version), so I prepared what I thought - and Dad thought, when he was pleasantly surprised upon returning home from golf - was quite a tasty repast . . .
Pan-seared tilapia - I have various recipes but just did an egg/panko crust seasoned with s&p and garlic powder this time . . . message me if you love tilapia too and need ideas! |
And juiced up the leftover veggies with some fresh ones, and made some new rice -
Portabellas, red pepper, zucchini, squash - so good! |
Creativity rocks, in the kitchen and everywhere else.
Love Bites,
Carrie Neal