Monday, March 18, 2013

A bushel and a peck - a biscuit and . . .

Well, y'all . . . 

Staying at my parents is interesting to say the least - my mom and I have different ideas of "good housekeeping" - but I try my best in their place since they are kind and generous enough to let me bunk here post The Great Tree Debacle.

And The Boy is out of town - only briefly - but it interrupts our usual rhythm of meals and seeing each other daily, so I found myself compelled to make biscuits this morning - one of his favorite "food products," as he refers to them - 

I made biscuits in his honor - of course, I then added cheese and bacon!!
Adding the cheese and bacon made it perfect - I even ate mine with a knife and fork as he does  "sandwiches" - and only set off the smoke alarm briefly (good thing Dad is up early when I called him pre-7am to figure out how to turn it off!!). 
Gosh, so much about love, life and happiness revolve around food - I miss my boy, I need assistance with utilities, so to speak, I think of people I love and what I can provide for them, sustenance-wise - hmmm . . . food for thought!
Happy Monday, y'all!!

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

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