Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Orange, Pink, and Black

Well, hell, y'all.

Orange maybe the new black but pink is my favorite color and black still factors into my life . . .

Damn, Sam. As they say.

Let me break it down for you: here's the quickest recap this verbose girl can manage . . .

I just read the amazing memoir by Piper Kerman - 

Wanna know the story behind the Netlfix original series, "Orange is the New Black"? Here you go - 

Read the true story of a little blonde girl who goes to prison and learn a lot . . .

Outstanding. Such a brave and honest story. More notes on this later...

Maybe that's what made me put on my orange scarf, a sweet gift from J last Christmas, when home with the flu last night and today, freezing, and feeling - honestly? - totally bummed about the holidays . . . 

Which brings me to the fact that I dislike most things "orange." Pumpkin - eh. Oranges, deuces. A scarf gift or two - and tonight I actually did my own highlights for the first time ever, but they didn't turn out - ah, ok . . . 

But pink, pink, you always have me. And today when nothing was ok - between being alone for the holiday weekend, or having the flu, or . . . anything - well, throwing up on the bathroom floor/toilet is a little better when you can reach to someone via cell and it has a pink cover. Pink makes it better when you are home from the doctor and can put on a pink tee with your comfies, as one of my high school girl friends always called pj's.

And black? Black is love, in this form - who wouldn't feel better (or even when the patient dare to disturb THIS posed on your feet?) - 

Luke keeping me warm and safe.

I can't stand Thanksgiving - it has been my least favorite holidays for years: I hate most of the typical foods, I have too many anorexic and food-phobic memories tied to it (and I just can't fucking eat mashed potatoes!!!!!!!). 

And I wasn't invited to our family Thanksgiving this year. And it was decided, then I was told. So some Waldens will be doing this - 

Enjoying the view at Wild Dunes...

And I won't. Christmas details, to follow- I have been told I'm not included in that either. Y'all get ready for the dramatic details, but they shall follow. Oh, they will.

Here's what I know today, and on what I am trying to focus: I have a beautiful orange scarf with special meaning to me, a pink phone case I love that a sweet friend bought when he helped me get my new phone, and a precious black doggus who loves his mommy even when not many others do . . . and I am trying to focus on the good. And be grateful.

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

Friday, November 22, 2013

Little Mama and Big Sky Moments

I haven't been to Montana in years, y'all. But I'm baaaack!

Let me explain: I have a new job.

I now work for a company that is eco-friendly, bison-loving, and founded by two well-known men well-reputed in the great Peach State and beyond. I'll let you deduce what I now call "The Restaurant" really is.

Yes, I made a job and career move, and I've switched quesadillios for burgers.  (Yes, I did say quesadillios - it's like how I said "staple-or" for our staplers that never worked quite right at the old haunt - I like nicknames and shorthand...).

I got spirited away, right across the driveway!

And it's to a place whose food I love - see . . .

The beef/bison slider duo . . . delicious and a deal!
And I am thinking I will really like the culture. The Restaurant is run by, as the original founders (still very involved, btw) proudly proclaim themselves to be, mavericks. Maybe it's the 80s baby, "Top Gun" loving inner me, but I have always loved that word. I am digging what I am quickly learning about this company, and about more than just the meat. I get to wear jeans to work - something this girl always loves to wear, even if they are a slightly darker and less cool version of those she normally would wear - 

Mossimo at Target - $22.99. Not bad!

It also doesn't hurt when you get a new *handle* on your first night: if the head chef looks at you and says . . . "Little Mama! I know you! You're that little blonde girl from next door!" and the rest of the kitchen staff, then quickly the serving staff (ok, all the boys but that's most of both staffs, so . . .), picks up the new moniker . . . well, let's just say that I've worked in enough restaurants to know that when the heart of the house is on your side, life is good.

Of course, getting the guys fresh lemonade and running food doesn't hurt either.

Here's to new adventures, little-size jeans and many big sky moments to come . . . 

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oatmeal Cookie and A Dog

Who'd think of this combination? Moi!

Sir Luke has recently begun coming to the Top Floor with me, and yesterday on my typical Wednesday night off, we had lots of quality time together. After a nice walk and his dinner, I made mine and we went upstairs for a little movie marathon - and I brought a treat.

When I put pumpkin bread crumblings (my Mom's homemade, no less) on top of his dog food the other morning I realized I was on to I decided to continue experimenting with what people food is ok - even good - for dogs. Oatmeal makes the list, of course used sparingly if in cookie form, as you don't want to give your baby a bunch of sugar, etc. But this - 

A nice treat. So as we settled into our first movie, and I started eating my cookie, how could I not share??

Halfway into the movie, he moved from my side to this other relaxed position - 

Happiest boy in town!
We had a good night. I will chalk it up to cookie love, and Mommy-Luke love (but cookies never hurt!).

Not recommended for every day or all meals - for pets or people! - but sometimes a little sweetness makes it all better.

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Devil's . . . Restaurant?

"Character is destiny." - Heraclitus

How does this relate to love, or food?

Let me explain.

Some of you know I am an avid reader - by that I mean four to five books a week, if not more (seriously) - and right now I am reading The Devil's Casino by Vicky Ward.

Well, STFD, y'all. It's extremely well-written and very detailed - I have had to re-read pages to make sure I "got" all the specifics as Ms. Ward goes into so many . . . aspects of the Lehman Brothers (and their subsequent names) beginning, rise and fall. And food enters into it when there are descriptions of all the Lehman perks during their hayday. Executive meals - not to mention the salons and other services proffered - were the norm . . .

Love entered into my reading of this book, and knowledge of Lehman, when my Daddy told me today: Chris Pettit was a classmate of his at West Point, and that's why I found the book in his office. That put a whole new spin on the bread and butter, steak and martinis - whatever - that were served in that executive dining room in the 80s and 90s.

There is no man in this world whose opinion I respect about a person more than my father's. You know the saying "I'd want him in a foxhole with me?" That's my Dad's type of judge of character.

Is this . . .

Worth all that happened in their demise? That took people out - both inside and outside? Methinks not.

I haven't finished the book yet - let's just say I'm through the apps and cocktail round, but not yet to the entree, or - the bittersweet (I am being generous here) dessert.

Great people do great things; sometimes they have awful and accidental falls or deaths, Chris Pettit being one of them.

Today, I am grateful for the ability to read - to contemplate lunch before work - to have people in my life, my Dad included for sure, who appreciate my weird proclivity for fascinating real-life stories.

Food is temporary in the body - character will out in the heart.

As always, food for thought . . . 

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Great Queso Debate

This is a very serious matter, y'all: white versus yellow (orange). 

Really, people are serious - and opinionated! - about their queso.

Growing up here in the Southeast - or at least, in Atlanta - I am used to the gooey, hot, delicious - and white! - goodness that I've always known as queso dip.

Something like this (but minus the japs for me) - 

This is how I always assumed queso was at every Mexican restaurant, everywhere. Apparently, it isn't. As has been explained to me at The Restaurant, in at least some parts of the Southwest, "yellow" or "orange" queso dip - ie, made with different cheese than we use here - is normal.

Kinda like this version - 

Heh. Ours is way prettier, but this perfectly captures the color!

Honestly? I find the color off-putting. Now, I won't lie: if it's 11:45 on a Friday night and one of my tables is still sitting there chatting (we close at 11:30 but if you're there at 11:29:59 or before, and you stay - well, we won't in any way *encourage* you to leave; it's protocol, y'all!) and there's some "extra" queso in the back, and I haven't eaten in nine hours, or if one of the managers is nice enough to whip up some "crazy nachos" with all kinds of toppings including our queso - I am likely to indulge. And it does taste good. Most customers love it, even (especially our "Cowboy Queso," which includes steak and bacon - how good does all that cheese and meat sound, right?).

But I get asked at least a few times a week if we have the "real" stuff - ie, white queso dip. Alas, we do not offer such version. And I will make a confession: I go down the street to another Mexican restaurant when a real cheese dip craving strikes. Childhood conditioning? A penchant for white cheese of any kind? Just a love of cheese in general so I need to sample all kinds to satisfy my palate?

Probably doesn't matter, as there are all kinds of cheesy goodness in the world, whatever the color!

Long live le fromage (oops, I forgot I grew up studying French, not Spanish . . .)!

Whatever color you prefer, to eat cheese is to love.

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal