Friday, November 22, 2013

Little Mama and Big Sky Moments

I haven't been to Montana in years, y'all. But I'm baaaack!

Let me explain: I have a new job.

I now work for a company that is eco-friendly, bison-loving, and founded by two well-known men well-reputed in the great Peach State and beyond. I'll let you deduce what I now call "The Restaurant" really is.

Yes, I made a job and career move, and I've switched quesadillios for burgers.  (Yes, I did say quesadillios - it's like how I said "staple-or" for our staplers that never worked quite right at the old haunt - I like nicknames and shorthand...).

I got spirited away, right across the driveway!

And it's to a place whose food I love - see . . .

The beef/bison slider duo . . . delicious and a deal!
And I am thinking I will really like the culture. The Restaurant is run by, as the original founders (still very involved, btw) proudly proclaim themselves to be, mavericks. Maybe it's the 80s baby, "Top Gun" loving inner me, but I have always loved that word. I am digging what I am quickly learning about this company, and about more than just the meat. I get to wear jeans to work - something this girl always loves to wear, even if they are a slightly darker and less cool version of those she normally would wear - 

Mossimo at Target - $22.99. Not bad!

It also doesn't hurt when you get a new *handle* on your first night: if the head chef looks at you and says . . . "Little Mama! I know you! You're that little blonde girl from next door!" and the rest of the kitchen staff, then quickly the serving staff (ok, all the boys but that's most of both staffs, so . . .), picks up the new moniker . . . well, let's just say that I've worked in enough restaurants to know that when the heart of the house is on your side, life is good.

Of course, getting the guys fresh lemonade and running food doesn't hurt either.

Here's to new adventures, little-size jeans and many big sky moments to come . . . 

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

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