Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ode To a Biscuit

Ode To a Biscuit

It's Sunday morning and it's one of my favorite times of a day or the week. I've long considered it leisurely time - I haven't been as consistent about going to church in the past years as I should be or as my Dad would like, but I digress - and a time when I could sleep in and then decide what to do with my day. Now, I usually work Sunday nights so that changes my free schedule a little bit, but I still like this time.

And occasionally, like today, I liked a biscuit product as someone I know refers to them. J and I rarely had breakfast together on Sundays that I recall - though often a later brunch - but we did on many other days of the week, and this is usually what he would order - though I never quite got used to him putting jam on his sausage biscuit.

When I awoke (very early) this morning, my first thoughts were - "juice and one of Mom's sausage biscuits!" She makes awesome sausage and cheese ones and stores them in the freezer for ready use.

Here's a perfect picture of one that kind of resembles the one I had today - 

And here's the one I actually ate (yes, I used a knife and fork to eat it - don't judge!) -

It was oh so good. I managed to eat most of it with juice and half a banana, and feel fortified to finish all my laundry (eep! let that get a little out of hand...) and run a couple of errands before getting ready for work. 

See, I really am trying to take care of me. In all ways. And, sometimes, a solid breakfast is part of that. Go, Mom, and go, me.

Happy Sunday, y'all.

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

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