Sunday, September 2, 2012


So today, I have a Serious Talk on deck with my parents. You know, the kind about life issues, and money, and Where Carrie Neal Is Going. This made me alternately nauseous and yet cognizant that some fortification pre-Geneva Convention was probably a smart idea. Oh, and I also spent the morning sending out resumes, creating alternate resume versions (you know, one focused on writing, one on my restaurant work, a collective one updated . . .) and cover letters. Talk about stress! And I don't tend to eat well when I'm really stressed, but in the spirit of trying to take care of my body and mind. . .

To what did I turn? The incredible, edible egg, of course! I love eggs in many forms, from scrambled to fried and I love them maybe a little bit more in some form of a sandwich. Today's concoction, inspired by the tasty site Hannah and Bryan's Sweet Tea & Stilettos (see pic and link below), consisted of fried egg, some yellow and red tomato I had on hand, a little avocado and a slice of Swiss. On my favorite Nature's Own butter bread (when I'm going down and dirty simple, this is my go to pick rather than something fancier). I didn't wrap mine up in parchment and tie it with a ribbon - if I was gonna eat, it needed to happen pronto after creation! - but it turned out tasty.

I managed to eat most of it (ok, not quite half, but Sir Doggus, as we call Luke around here, got a few nibbles so it wasn't a complete waste). Feeling at least a little fortified and marginally calmer about the pending conversation, I can face the day.

They say breakfast is the meal of champions - well, I need to be a champ today. I guess technically I had brunch versus breakfast . . . I can leave home in a bit feeling fortified. Sometimes you just have to feed yourself right and pray for the best.

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

Fried Egg BLT from

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