Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Love Soup

So, I may have the sweetest boyfriend in the world. He does many nice things for me - on a big scale like trips and stuff - but it's the little things that make me smile the most and know how much he loves me. When he brings me a card, or slides one into the writing contract he printed out for me, or makes me brunch, or like today . . . I have been feeling pretty stressed and very lousy lately for various reasons and did not sleep at all last night. I'll spare you details of the other physical complaints I have and my anxiety over tomorrow's doctor's appointment, but he was my hero today.

He and I usually have anywhere from one to three meals a day together, at pretty nice spots. We also do casual, or take out occasionally and we had planned on lunch today when he had a break at work. Given the holiday weekend, today is his Monday so it's been hectic. After the awful, restless night I had and how I was still not feeling better by around 11am, a special delivery sounded so nice. And I didn't have any Advil type product (for day or night use- I am not supposed to take Tylenol/acetaminophen products). About an hour later, I had my favorite Mexican chicken soup and a supply of pain relievers for now and for tonight so hopefully I can sleep.

I managed to get down about half the soup - he is always encouraging me to eat, in a non-aggressive way - and we'll do something about dinner later. That, my friends, is love soup.

Love Bites,
Carrie Neal

I so love Jalisco's Mexican chicken soup!

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